We're now 3 movies behind ("Out of Africa", "Ordinary People" and "Forrest Gump") but I had to make special mention of 2009's "Julie and Julia" considering it tells the parallel stories of the two "Js" making their mark on life and features a blog poster prominently.
It was such a charming movie - so nicely split between the two stories and I was so glad they didn't give in and go for the more Hollywood of endings (no spoilers, as promised). Meryl is, as always, incredible - you'd swear Julia Childs was back to life and Amy Adams is her usual adorable self - even when playing a self-obsessed narcissist!
But most importantly and why I chose to include this in a blog of Best Picture winners is, I just want it on the record now that we are totally open to book deals, movie/tv offers, anything that involves copious amounts of cash to offset our spending on this experiment! We'll spruik your short films and student assignments (hell I'll edit your assignments if you want and the pay's right!) and generally sell out to 'the man' anytime and for pretty much any price.
We clear?
Ok good. Now up next is "Out of Africa" (and more of the incomparable Meryl Strep) but soon to come will be a 'throw down' of insignificant proportions as Mat and I go head to head over "Forrest Gump". This could actually signal the end of our marriage - well at the least the happy part of it! But we're willing to do it for you, our loyal (and as yet anonymous) reading public!
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