Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Off we go!

It all started when my best friend showed me a book in Borders entitled "Showgirls, Teen Wolves and Astro Zombies" by Michael Adams. She had seen it a few weeks ago and thought immediately of my husband, Mathew, (what's that saying about 'with friend's like these...'). It is true that my husband (ok, me too) loves the odd hideously bad movie. You know, those ones that are so bad, they're good.

Some of our favs were included right there on the cover including, the wonderfully razzie worthy "Showgirls", the cringe-worthy "Stop or My Mom Will Shoot" and the brain-numbing joy of the Teen Wolf movies. Needless to say we devoured it like true addicts and enjoyed every guilty bite. We were amazed at Adams' perseverance in the face of increasing work commitments and decreasing sleep but overall thought it sounded like a hell of a lot of fun!

After the 2009 Oscars we decided to do our own review - but given this was our first outting into the world of the movie review and the blogsphere - we decided to be kind to ourselves and start off with the best of the best.

For the first time since 1943 - ten pictures were nominated for Best Picture - and for once, we could see the merit in all of them (unusual for a pair as judgemental as the two of us). So it got us wondering - what are the best picture movies usually like? What are they up against and what gives them the winning edge? Is it biting social commentary, their ability to reach into our souls and drag tears from our cynical eyes, make us think about our world and the world around us we might otherwise never get to see? Or are they the ones that made us laugh in troubled times?

This blog will explore the movies we've watched, what we got out of them and be a forum to some of our ramblings about what we got out of them and why we think they may have won or why we think they shouldn't have won compared to other worthy contenders.

If you love the movies, I hope you'll accompany us on our journey - we've got enough movies to keep us going for several months to come! We're aiming for Friday night viewings "from here to eternity..."

that may have been a hint as to what's coming up next!

Enjoy and please add your comments as we go!

1 comment:

  1. One of the criteria (criterion?) we judge the Best Pictures on is 'Did this film deserve to win over the other nominees?'. While we're not going out of our way to see all the movies ever nominated during our Best Picture marathon, we will be using our past movie viewings to judge the winners alongside their contemporaries. Did the Academy get it right, or should another film have brought home the statue?
